by Austin
Posted on 13-07-2020 04:45 AM
(american) labor (ˈleibə) noun
Hard work. The building of the cathedral involved considerable labour over two centuries; people engaged in manual labour are often badly paid. Arbeid عَمَل شاق труд trabalho práce; dÅ™ina die arbeit arbejde σκληÏή εÏγασία trabajo töö کار شاق työ travail עבודה शà¥à¤°à¤®, परिशà¥à¤°à¤® težak rad munka kerja keras (erfiðis)vinna lavoro åŠ´åƒ ë…¸ë™ darbas, triÅ«sas [] darbs kerja keras arbeid kroppsarbeid praca دروند كار،ستونزمنه دنده trabalho muncă труд práca delo težak rad arbete à¹à¸£à¸‡à¸‡à¸²à¸™ ağır iÅŸ å‹žå‹• працÑ, труд مشقت lao Ä‘á»™ng 劳动.
La'-ber (yeghia`, `amal; kopos): the word (noun and verb) denoting hard work or "toil" (thus in the revised version (british and american) of deuteronomy 26:7 ; joshua 7:3 ; revelation 2:2 ) represents several hebrew and greek words, chiefly those above. Occasionally, as in habakkuk 3:17 (ma`aseh), it stands for "fruit of labor. " sometimes, in conjunction with "travail," it refers to childbirth ( genesis 35:16,17 , yaladh; compare 1Â thessalonians 2:9 ; 2Â thessalonians 3:8 ). Examples of the word in the ordinary sense are: of yeghia`, genesis 31:42 ; job 39:11,16 ; psalms 128:2 ; of `amal, common in ecclesiastes 1:3,8 ; 2:10,11,18 , etc. ; of kopos, 1Â corinthians 15:58 ("your labor is not vain," etc. ); 1Â thessalonians 1:3 ("work of faith and labor of love"; compare hebrews 6:10 ); 1Â timothy 5:17 ("labor in the word and in teaching").
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Thesaurusantonymsrelated wordssynonymslegend: laborer , manual gift ideas for a laborer gift ideas for a laborer gift ideas for a laborer , jack agricultural laborer , agricultural labourer - a person who tills the soil for a living bracero - a mexican gift ideas for a laborer gift ideas for a laborer gift ideas for a laborer who worked in the united states on farms and railroads in order to ease labor shortages during world war ii cleaner - someone whose occupation is cleaning.
The body of persons engaged in such activity, especially those working for wages. This body of persons considered as a class (distinguished from management and capital ). Physical or mental work, especially of a hard or fatiguing kind; toil.
A job or task done or to be done. The physical effort and periodic uterine contractions of childbirth.
Skilled labor is a segment of the workforce that has specialized know-how, training, and experience to carry out more complex physical, or mental tasks than routine job functions. Skilled labor is generally characterized by higher education, expertise levels attained through training and experience, and will likewise correspond with higher wages.
In basic economics, labor resources, or simply labor, is one of the three major factors of production, the other two being land and input. In the broadest sense, labor can be defined simply as the ability to work or supply workers to a given industry or economic sector. A labor resource most often entails some degree of human effort in the production process, such as with a single individual or a team of workers. In other words, labor resources involve the mental and physical contributions of an employee towards the production of goods. For some classical economists, labor resources also include technological insight and marketing support as well, the latter being responsible for delivering the finished product into a place of exchange where goods are ultimately sold. Compensation given labor resources is customarily called wages.
The english noun labor comes into english via old french labor, labour (french labeur ) from latin labÅr-, the inflectional stem of the noun labor “labor, work, toil. †the latin noun has just about all the meanings of english labor (including that of childbirth), but not the relatively modern english sense “workers, manual workers taken together as a social group or class,†which dates from the 19th century.
It may mean -- i hope so -- that they are going to provide a level of the wages between the so-called brain worker and the manual worker, for in russia today, the laborer is the privileged class-the sort of "nouveau riche" of today, whereas the brain worker does not receive nearly so many privileges.
Search laborer and thousands of other words in english cobuild dictionary from reverso. You can complete the definition of laborer given by the english cobuild dictionary with other english dictionaries : wikipedia, lexilogos, oxford, cambridge, chambers harrap, wordreference, collins lexibase dictionaries, merriam webster english-simple definition dictionary : translate english words into simple definition with online dictionaries.
Search laborer and thousands of other words in english definition and synonym dictionary from reverso. You can complete the definition of laborer given by the english definition dictionary with other english dictionaries: wikipedia, lexilogos, oxford, cambridge, chambers harrap, wordreference, collins lexibase dictionaries, merriam webster english-definition dictionary : translate english words into definition with online dictionaries.
Recent examples on the web one of his characters, herschel greenbaum, is a 1920s immigrant laborer who arrives in america to give his family a better life. — nick romano, ew. Com, "seth rogens get themselves into a bit of an american pickle with first hbo max trailer," 3 july 2020 in 1910, brooks, a black laborer, was accused of raping the 2-year-old daughter of his employer, the buvens family. — dallas news, "as dallas removes confederate monument, there’s a new effort to memorialize the city’s last known lynching victim," 23 june 2020 the 1946 movie is a mix of live-action and animation that features an old black plantation laborer named uncle remus who tells stories to a young white boy. — morgan hines, usa today, "more than 21,000 have signed petition to keep disneyland closed amid coronavirus pandemic," 13 june 2020 her mother was a homemaker, and her father at the time was a laborer for the depression-era works progress administration. — penelope green, bostonglobe. Com, "grace edwards, harlem mystery writer, dies at 87," 6 june 2020 documented and undocumented indonesian workers are the biggest contingent among malaysia’s immigrant palm laborers. — eko listiyorini, bloomberg. Com, "malaysia farms face $3 billion hit from palm oil worker shortage," 5 june 2020 edward iii enacted successive laws intended to ensure laborers wouldn’t increase their earning power. — susan wade, the conversation, "uprisings after pandemics have happened before – just look at the english peasant revolt of 1381," 5 june 2020 carder retired from the practice of law in 2004 but later volunteered legal help to the dockworkers’ union and to low-income and immigrant laborers in berkeley, the ufw said. — bob egelko, sfchronicle. Com, "william carder dies — labor lawyer who won victories for ufw, cesar chavez," 27 may 2020 in human terms, fulfillment is the manual process by which often low-wage laborers fill and package orders at sprawling distribution centers like the one at 5151 shelby drive, where signature orange swooshes adorn low-slung buildings. — coronavirus, propublica, "nike turned away a public health official from its warehouse days after a worker with covid-19 died," 23 may 2020.
These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'laborer. ' views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of merriam-webster or its editors. Send us feedback.
Example sentences from the collins corpus these examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content. Read more… any laborer in town who's done incidental work there has seen the weaknesses.
Laborer is a synonym of worker. As nouns the difference between laborer and.
The united workers congress says on any given day, a minimum of 117,600 workers in the united states are either working as day laborers or searching for day labor jobs. Although the median pay rate for day laborers is $10 per hour as of date of publication, day labor pays poorly because job stability is insecure. Day laborers are protected by federal and state wage and hour laws, which dictate how they should be paid.
This is but the necessary consequence of all labor which does not benefit the laborer. There is little call for any great skill on the part of the laborer. It is not contended, however, that every laborer actually does this. The next morning he felt like a laborer whose factory has closed. Tramped over brazil as a day laborer, and through the west indies.
The fair labor standards act -- which governs federal minimum wage and overtime practices -- says day laborers must receive no less than $7. 25 per hour, as of date of publication. If the state sets a higher minimum wage standard, the higher rate applies. The federal minimum wage stands regardless of whether the worker gets paid by the day or hour or by piece rate. You must pay day laborers for all time spent working, even if you did not approve of the work beforehand.
The laborer was appealed to as one suffering from oppression and injustice. The capitalist buys from the laborer his labor-power at its full value as a commodity. So the laborer must sell the only commodity he has to sell, namely, his labor-power. "more hours a day than any laborer does," darrin answered promptly.
If the state does not have its own criteria for day laborers, apply federal law. Consult the state labor department for applicable policies. For example, the illinois day and temporary labor services act says if a day laborer arrives to work as assigned by the temporary labor service agency and the third-party employer does not use the laborer, the latter must receive at least four hours of pay at the agreed-upon rate. In california, day laborers are called casual laborers; methods of payment include cash, check, lodging, meals, products or services or the reasonable cash value of all other non-cash compensation.
Census record there are 188,000 census records available for the last name laborer. Like a window into their day-to-day life, laborer census records can tell you where and how your ancestors worked, their level of education, veteran status, and more. Search 1940's us census records for laborer passenger list there are 1,000 immigration records available for the last name laborer. Passenger lists are your ticket to knowing when your ancestors arrived in the usa, and how they made the journey - from the ship name to ports of arrival and departure.
Under federal law, day laborers must receive overtime for work hours that exceed 40 in a seven-day week. Pay overtime at 1. 5 times the agreed-upon hourly rate. For example, for a day laborer who works nine hours on monday through friday, this comes to 45 hours for the week. Since you already paid her for each day, to arrive at overtime wages, pay the five overtime hours at half-time, which is 0. 5 multiplied by her regular rate. Consult the state labor department for applicable state overtime laws.
Day labor is labor done where the worker is hired and paid one day at a time. There will be no certainty that more work will be available in the future. Day labor is a form of contingent work. Day laborers find work through some employment agencies which specialize in very short-term contracts for manual labor most often in construction, factories, offices, and manufacturing. The workers will be assigned to a job on the spot. Labor unions also supply short-term labor for signatory employers in time blocks of less than a day. Workers also meet at well-known locations, usually public street corners or commercial parking lots, and wait for potential employers like, building contractors, landscapers, home owners and small business owners to offer work.
In conclusion, a contract laborer uses his own tools and techniques, has a period of time to complete the job but not a set work schedule, is usually paid a fee or can be paid hourly, and doesn't have benefits given by the employer. Contract laborers receive a 1099 form with wage information. Contract laborers can market themselves and have more flexibility than an employee. A contract laborer typically isn't very involved in everyday business activities and either has little to no training to do the job. He or she is given a written contract with specific terms.
A career that seems to be unaffected by today’s economy is that of a construction worker. According to the u. S. Bureau of labor and statistics, construction jobs are on the rise, which is good news for construction workers and skilled labor. As more and more businesses grow, and employers continue to invest in expanding, construction jobs are projected to increase by 25% by 2020, faster than the average 14% increase of all other occupations.
Prior to the juneteenth holiday commemorating the end of slavery, a now-unavailable facebook post asserted that the convict leasing system used in the southern united states forced black people into unpaid labor. Start the day smarter. Get all the news you need in your inbox each morning. It argues black codes, or laws specifically for black people, were used to criminalize many aspects of everyday life for black citizens and create harsher sentences for petty crimes.